Nearby Neighborhoods in Dripping Springs
Area | For Sale | Median Listing Price |
Barton Creek Ranch | 1 | $480,000 |
Blue Ridge | 2 | $456,774 |
Creek Road Ranch | 1 | $150,000 |
Dos Lagos | 2 | $114,900 |
Dripping Springs Heights | 1 | $347,900 |
Hidden Springs Ranch | 1 | $500,000 |
Meadow Oaks | 1 | $397,000 |
Mystic Creek | 2 | $637,000 |
Oak Springs | 3 | $429,900 |
Peabody Place | 2 | $542,500 |
Poundhouse Hills | 1 | $429,900 |
River Oaks Ranch | 1 | $375,000 |
Shady Valley | 1 | $329,900 |
Silverado Estates | 1 | $799,000 |
The Preserve | 5 | $1,325,000 |
Nearby Neighborhoods in Driftwood
Area | For Sale | Median Listing Price |
Blue Ridge | 2 | $456,774 |
Deer Lake Estates | 2 | $499,000 |
Goldenwood | 3 | $239,900 |
Heatherwood | 3 | $199,000 |
High Pointe | 14 | $468,745 |
Howard Ranch | 8 | $262,500 |
Las Lomas | 2 | $599,900 |
Oak Springs | 3 | $429,900 |
Rainbow Ranch | 2 | $562,000 |
Rim Rock | 16 | $564,740 |
Rolling Oaks Ranch | 2 | $212,500 |
Running Rope Estates | 1 | $600,000 |
Sierra West | 1 | $495,000 |
Skyline Ranch Estates | 2 | $539,000 |
The Preserve | 5 | $1,325,000 |
Austin Area Home Sales – March 2015 Statistics
AUSTIN, Texas – April 21, 2015 – Austin-area single-family home prices hit an all-time high, while single-family home sales volume set a record for the month of March according to the March 2015 Multiple Listing Service (MLS) report released today by the Austin Board of REALTORS®.
Barb Cooper, 2015 President of the Austin Board of REALTORS¬®, explained, “The Austin-area housing market is the least affordable it has ever been. Solving Austin’s affordability issues is not only dependent upon generating new, affordably-priced housing stock, but also preserving and maintaining Austin’s existing housing stock. The recent Zucker Report is yet another indicator that Austin’s city leadership needs to take significant steps to ensure that all of Austin’s residents live in safe, code-compliant homes and are able to quickly and easily make improvements to those homes.”
According to the report, the median price for Austin-area single-family homes increased 10 percent year-over-year to $255,000 in March 2015, while average price increased 13 percent to $334,758 during the same time frame. This is the highest Austin-area home prices have ever been. Only three in ten single-family homes sold in the Austin area in March 2015 were priced less than $200,000.
Single-family home sales increased 13 percent year-over-year to 2,440 home sales in March 2015, a new record for March single-family home sales volume. In March, more than half of the homes sold in the Austin area were outside of Austin’s city limits, with a majority of sales occurring in Round Rock, Pflugerville, Georgetown, the Cedar Park/Leander area and the Kyle/Buda area.
Austin-area monthly housing inventory was statistically unchanged from March 2014 at 2.2 months, a figure still well below the 6.5 month level the Real Estate Center at Texas A&M University estimates as a balanced housing market. Homes continued to spend more time on the market in March 2015, increasing four days year-over-year to an average of 55 days.
New and active listings for single-family homes both increased six percent year-over-year to 3,402 new listings and 5,274 active listings in March 2015. Pending sales also rose during the same time frame, increasing five percent year-over-year to 2,812 pending sales in March 2015.
Cooper concluded, “It’s encouraging to see how seriously Austin’s City Council is taking the findings of the Zucker Report. Now that Mayor Adler and Austin’s new City Council members are past their first 100 days in office, the Austin Board of REALTORS® expects quick and decisive action on policies that will put a stop to Austin’s growing housing affordability issues. We’re looking forward to working with city leaders on finding these solutions.”
March 2015 Statistics
- 2,440 – Single-family homes sold, 13 percent more than March 2014.
- $255,000 – Median price for single-family homes, 10 percent more than March 2014.
- $334,758 – Average price for single-family homes, 13 percent more than March 2014.
- 55 – Average number of days single-family homes spent on the market, four days more than March 2014.
- 3,402 – New single-family home listings on the market, six percent more than March 2014.
- 5,274 – Active single-family home listings on the market, six percent more than March 2014.
- 2,812 – Pending sales for single-family homes, five percent more than March 2014.
- 2.2 – Months of inventory* of single-family homes, statistically unchanged from March 2014.
- $816,809,520 – Total dollar volume of single-family properties sold, 28 percent more than March 2014.
The following sections describe trends in other sectors of the Austin-area real estate market.
Townhouses & Condominiums
The volume of townhouses and condominiums (condos) purchased in the Austin area in March 2015 was 263, a three percent decrease from March 2014. The median price for condos was $226,500, which is one percent more than the same month of the prior year. When compared to March 2014, these properties spent 10 fewer days on the market, or an average of 43 days.
In March 2015, a total of 1,348 properties were leased in Austin, which is 12 percent more than March 2014. The median price for Austin-area home leases was $1,500, which is three percent more than the same month of the prior year.
* The inventory of homes for a market can be measured in months, which is defined as the number of active listings divided by the average sales per month of the prior 12 months. The Real Estate Center at Texas A&M University cites that 6.5 months of inventory represents a market in which supply and demand for homes is balanced.
Austin Board of REALTORS® releases real estate statistics for January 2015
AUSTIN, Texas – February 20, 2015 – The Austin-area housing market started the year strong in January 2015, with single-family home prices reaching all-time highs for the month of January and home sales posting double-digit increases according to the Multiple Listing Service (MLS) report released today by the Austin Board of REALTORS®. This marks the fifth-straight month of annual home sales increases and the fourth-straight month of double-digit gains in home prices, as housing affordability continues to be a challenge in the Austin market.
Barb Cooper, 2015 President of the Austin Board of REALTORS¬®, explained, “With housing affordability already a challenge for many Austin residents, this increasing pace of home price growth is concerning. More than half of the homes sold in the Austin-area are now priced out of an affordable range for much of Austin’s workforce.”
In January 2015, the median price for Austin-area homes increased 13 percent year-over-year to $240,000 and the average price jumped 14 percent to $310,187 during the same time frame. January 2015 marks the highest year-over-year home price increase since September 2013 and all-time high for home prices in the month of January.
According to the report, 1,547 single-family homes were sold in the Austin area in January 2015, an 11 percent increase compared to January 2014. However, 54 percent of the homes sold during this time frame were in the $200,000-$500,000 price range, whereas only 35 percent sold for less than $200,000 – the typical price range for first-time and low-income home-buyers.
“Housing inventory is rising, but the current pace is not enough to alleviate Austin’s affordability challenges,” added Cooper. “Furthermore, more homes on the market will not increase housing affordability if those homes are all priced for move-up home-buyers. Austin needs a regulatory environment that will ensure development of all housing types, priced in an affordable range for all Austin residents.”
Austin-area monthly housing inventory was 2.2 months in January 2015, 0.2 months higher than January 2014 but still well below the 6.5-month inventory level the Real Estate Center at Texas A&M University cites as a balanced housing market.
Active listings in January 2015 rose nine percent year-over-year to 5,005 listings, while new listings increased one percent to 2,360 listings from January 2014. Austin-area homes spent the same time on the market as January 2014, or an average of 63 days, and pending sales increased four percent to 2,026 sales during the same time frame.
Cooper concluded, “While single-family homes will always be a part of Austin’s fabric, Austin’s city leaders should consider housing types that cost less to develop and can allow for a greater range of affordable infill options, such duplexes and small apartment buildings, in neighborhoods where they are needed most. The Austin Board of REALTORS® is hopeful that the Austin City Council will embrace changes to the land development code and permitting process to allow for an abundance of housing in all neighborhoods.”
January 2015 Statistics
• 1,547 – Single-family homes sold, 11 percent more than January 2014.
• $240,000 – Median price for single-family homes, 13 percent more than January 2014.
• $310,187 – Average price for single-family homes, 14 percent more than January 2014.
• 63 – Average number of days single-family homes spent on the market, unchanged from January 2014.
• 2,360 – New single-family home listings on the market, one percent more than January 2014.
• 5,005 – Active single-family home listings on the market, nine percent more than January 2014.
• 2,026 – Pending sales for single-family homes, four percent more than January 2014.
• 2.2 – Months of inventory* of single-family homes, 0.2 months more than January 2014.
• $479,859,289 – Total dollar volume of single-family properties sold, 27 percent more than January 2014.
The following sections describe trends in other sectors of the Austin real estate market.
Townhouses & Condominiums
The volume of townhouses and condominiums (condos) purchased in the Austin area in January 2015 was 135, which is 30 percent less than January 2014. In the same time period, the median price for condos was $218,250, which is four percent more than the same month of the prior year. When compared to January 2014, these properties spent five fewer days on the market, or an average of 48 days.
In January 2015, a total of 1,279 properties were leased in Austin, which is two percent more than January 2014. The median price for Austin-area home leases was $1,430, which is four percent more than the same month of the prior year.
* The inventory of homes for a market can be measured in months, which is defined as the number of active listings divided by the average sales per month of the prior 12 months. The Real Estate Center at Texas A&M University cites that 6.5 months of inventory represents a market in which supply and demand for homes is balanced.