Ten Things Everyone Should Know About The City's Proposed Discharge Permit
Posted by Angela Kelly on
The official blog for the City of Dripping Springs, The Dripping Post, posted this informative article on April 6th, 2018.
Have you heard that the City of Dripping Springs is seeking a permit that would allow it to discharge 995,000 gallons of wastewater effluent per day into Onion Creek? If that concerns you or makes you wonder what the City is doing or why, we hope you will ask questions before deciding that the City is out to hurt the environment.
Here are some facts everyone should know:
1) Dripping Springs currently has a land application permit that allows for the processing of 348,000 gallons of wastewater per day. Under a land application permit, wastewater effluent is distributed onto fields acquired by the City for the purpose of…
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